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The Telegraph - A 65-year-old letter written by Albert Einstein found in Brazil school

Uma carta de 65 anos escrita por Albert Einstein foi encontrada em uma escola do Brasil.

"...Pensar é para o homem assim como voar é para o pássaro..."

The letter was reportedly discovered in a safe at a school in Porto Alegre in the south of the country

By Donna Bowater, Rio de Janeiro 3:57PM BST 22 May 2015

A letter from Albert Einstein written almost 65 years ago has been discovered in a safe at a Brazilian school, according to reports.

A typed message, with the signature of the physicist and dated June 1951, was addressed to students at Colégio Anchieta in Porto Alegre in the south of the country.

Written in German, it read: “He who knows the happiness of understanding has gained an infallible friend for life. Thinking is to man what flying is to birds. Don’t follow the example of a chicken when you could be a lark.”

The note was authenticated by a legal expert and graphologist, who matched the signature against officially accepted examples of Einstein’s autograph, local media reported.

The school said the letter was sent to the Jesuit institution at the request of father Gaspar Dutra, who lived in the US and met Einstein in New York. Father Dutra later brought the letter to Porto Alegre and kept it locked in the school safe.

“This really is a message that he left for Anchietans, to motivate them to seek knowledge because he is a remarkable person within science,” Dario Schneider, teacher, told news website G1. “And we, as educators, want to promote this.”

The director of the school, which has 3,000 pupils, said he had heard of the letter since joining the college 40 years ago but had not looked for it until now.

"The man preoccupied with the Theory of Relativity and other things thought to write to young people from a city that maybe he never even imagined existed," said João Claudio Rhoden, director general of the college.

"This document has a very great value, as well as any historical or commercial value, in the message there, in this memento he gave to the students."

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