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  • Foto do escritorIntercâmbio Piracicaba Sandra

The economist - This time, it's personal

"Quando os manifestantes saíram às ruas em junho de 2013, as suas queixas foram difusa; Neste momento a sua ira é focada diretamente em Dilma Rousseff e no Partido dos Trabalhadores, de esquerda."

More than 1m Brazilians demonstrated against Dilma Rousseff's administration

Mar 16th 2015

HOW will Brazil’s president, Dilma Rousseff, respond to huge anti-government demonstrations that took place in dozens of cities across the country on Sunday? In São Paulo police estimated the size of the crowd on Avenida Paulista, the preferred venue for such gatherings, at more than 1m. When protesters took to the streets in June 2013, their grievances were diffuse; this time their ire is focused squarely on Ms Rousseff and her left-wing Workers’ Party. Some clamoured for her impeachment over a multi-billion-dollar bribery scandal at Petrobras, the state-controlled oil giant; others simply wished to voice their indignation over sleaze and years of economic mismanagement that has pushed inflation to 7.7% in February, and is likely to plunge Brazil into recession this year. Ms Rousseff won’t resign, as the marchers would like her to. But nor can she ignore their fury.

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