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  • Foto do escritorIntercâmbio Piracicaba Sandra

Brazil Raises Interest Rates to Help Curb Inflation

Brasil Aumenta as taxas de juros para ajudar a conter a inflação.

Ele ( Bacen )prometeu fazer "o que for necessário" para trazer a inflação de 12 meses de volta ao 4,5 por cento do ponto médio da meta oficial em 2016.

Embora a administração da presidente Dilma Rousseff planeje profundos gastos para este ano, fortes aumentos da eletricidade e passagens ônibus contribuirão para manter a inflação bem acima do ponto médio do intervalo oficial...

Brazil raised interest rates to a more than three-year high on Wednesday, maintaining an aggressive pace of monetary tightening to arrest high inflation and win back investors disillusioned with the once-booming economy. In a widely expected move, the central bank’s eight-member monetary policy committee, known as Copom, voted unanimously to raise its benchmark Selic rate by 50 basis points for the second consecutive time to 12.25 percent — its highest level since August 2011. In an unusually terse statement, the central bank did not give any hints of what it would do next. It has promised to do “whatever is necessary” to bring 12-month inflation back to the 4.5 percent midpoint of the official target range by 2016. Although the administration of President Dilma Rousseff plans steep spending cuts this year, hefty hikes in electricity and bus fares are expected to keep inflation well above the midpoint of the official range, between 2.5 percent and 6.5 percent.

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