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Telegraph - Celebrating low inflation may not be the rational thing

Comemorar a baixa inflação pode não ser a coisa mais racional.

Em 1996, Robert Schiller, economista ganhador do prêmio Nobel, publicou um estudo intitulado "Por que as pessoas não gostam de inflação?" Baseado em pesquisas nos EUA, Alemanha e Brasil, ele fez uma série de revelações, a principal delas foi que os economistas eram muito mais positivos acerca do aumento dos preços do que as pessoas não abençoados com um conhecimento de economia.

... Este Governo, tal como o seu antecessor e praticamente todos os outros órgãos da administração em todo o mundo, está de acordo com os economistas como Mark Carney do Banco da Inglaterra, que observou ontem que um pouco de inflação "lubrifica as engrenagens" e é realmente bom para a economia .

The telegraph - nome.jpg

Celebrating low inflation may not be the rational thing

Slower rises in prices may make people happy now, but James Kirkup says low inflation it isn't all good news

By James Kirkup

6:15AM GMT 14 Jan 2015

In 1996, Robert Schiller, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, published a study entitled “Why do people dislike inflation?” Based on surveys in the US, Germany and Brazil, it made a number of revelations, chief among them that economists were much more positive about rising prices than people not blessed with an economics degree.

“Non-economists appear often to believe in a sort of sticky-wage model, by which wages do not respond to inflationary shocks,” it reported in faint bewilderment, adding that most “non-economists” have a “myopic” view of inflation and its benefits. Silly old non-economists.

It’s tempting to take that paper as just more proof that economists are clever people who know nothing about the real world and how it works. But that seems like unnecessary cruelty, since life has been pretty hard on economists recently. First came a global financial crisis that their statistical models said shouldn’t happen. Then a bunch of lowly psychologists pointed out that economists’ central ideas of how and why people think and behave are basically wrong: it turns out that people don’t make wholly rational financial decisions but are driven by emotion and even misunderstanding. Who’d have thought it, eh?

As official figures show Britain’s inflation rate has dropped to 0.5 per cent, Schiller’s paper is useful for illustrating the gap in understanding between economists and real people. His “sticky wage” point was that when prices rise, wages tend to follow. That means, contrary to what a lot of people expect, that inflation doesn’t actually mean people buy less stuff: another economic study suggests that inflation even at what is now the mind-boggling level of 10 per cent would shave no more than 0.8 per cent off overall spending.

All else being equal, such inflation wouldn’t make you worse off, as long as your income rose with prices. Low inflation, meanwhile, has its problems. It usually comes with low interest rates too, meaning negative real returns on savings (though yesterday’s inflation figure means real interest rates are no longer negative, the first time since 2008). And if you are reading this in the comfort of a home that you own outright, chances are that higher inflation helped you pay off your mortgage by steadily pushing up your wages over the years.

Today’s borrowers will have no such help, though they may need it more. Before the financial crisis, British households’ debts were equal to 169 per cent of the entire UK economy. After several relatively prudent years, that figure is now around 145 per cent. But the independent Office for Budget Responsibility is forecasting a return to debt in the next few years. By the end of the decade, households will owe 180 per cent of GDP, the highest level ever. Unlike previous generations, they won’t have inflation to nibble away at those debts.

Still, that’s a story for another year. For now, most people will enjoy their economic myopia, revelling in lower fuel bills and petrol prices after many years of falling living standards. And if voters are happy, so are ministers. George Osborne, the Chancellor, celebrated “yet further proof our long term plan is working”. Danny Alexander, his Lib Dem deputy, called low inflation “a giant tax cut for the economy”.

Such glee is understandable, not least because the collapse of inflation appears to put the final nail in the coffin of Ed Miliband’s “cost-of-living crisis” critique of the Coalition. And never mind that inflation is falling because of a global oil glut, not ministerial genius. Politicians get a lot of stick for things that aren’t their fault, so it’s only fair they claim credit for things they didn’t do either.

But in a sense, the ministers’ glee is nonsensical. This Government, like its predecessor and pretty much every other administration around the world, agrees with the economists like Mark Carney of the Bank of England, who noted yesterday that a little bit of inflation “greases the wheels” and is actually good for an economy.

And this Government, like the others, is quietly petrified by the prospect of deflation - falling prices that lead people and companies to delay spending, slowing down growth and eventually trapping whole economies in the mire. It happened in Japan. It may now be happening in the Eurozone, whose torpor is starting to drag Britain down.

This is why Mr Osborne’s Treasury requires the Bank of England to keep inflation around 2 per cent, and demands a public explanation from the Bank when inflation is too far from that target – either too high or too low.

So yesterday, Treasury ministers were celebrating something they have actually ordered the Bank of England to prevent and which they believe could eventually leave us all worse off. When it comes to confusion and contradiction, economists have got nothing on politicians

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